
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Orange Cilantro Tilapia en Papillote

I know I've done this type of thing on the BBQ in the states with potatoes or other vegetables, but I can't figure out how to say "en papillote" in English.. please forgive.  It is the process of cooking something wrapped in foil or banana leaves.. or just wrapped while cooking.
Anyway, I was inspired by my leftover orange today and decided to place my last Tilapia filet in some foil with some other loveliness.  The result was more than satisfying.  It was actually an explosion of happiness in my mouth.
Ingredients (serves 1 but make lots!)
1 filet Tilapia (frozen or fresh)
1/2 zucchini, sliced very thinly or julienned
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
2 Tbsp chopped cilantro
1/2 tsp chili powder
juice from 1/2 large orange
4 wedges of this orange
sprinkle of pepper
some chopped thai chili (unless you can't handle this heat)
1.  Place everything neatly on the bottom of some foil or other wrapping material.
2.  Close the foil and put into 350°F (180°C) oven for 10-15 minutes depending on if the fish was frozen or fresh when starting.
Then be like.. whaaaat? I thought about this all by myself?  No.. THE Stef did.
 It would do well over basmati rice, but unable to handle the suspense, I just dug in as is.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fish Curry

I thought my life was complete with the butter chicken curry and lamb curry from Kitchens of India.  But that was until I tried this fish curry.  The flavors are completely different, but oh so heavenly.  The fact that the curry paste is ready to use makes it a quick dish to prepare as well.
1 lb firm white fish (I used Tilapia)
1 handful broccoli florets
1 handful cauliflower florets
2 Tbsp dried coconut
1 small handfull almonds
1 pack fish curry paste
serve with cooked basmati rice
leftover Indian Lentils
cilantro for garnish
1.  Mix the curry paste with 3/4 cups water.
2.  Add the almonds, broccoli and cauliflower and bring to a boil.  Then simmer and cook until tender (about 10-15 minutes.. I actually didn't time it, sorry).
3.  When the broc and cauli are tender, add the coconut and fish and cook maybe 5 minutes longer.  You don't want the fish to disintegrate.  Add a little water if it tastes too spicy.

That's all folks!  Then serve and have a shameless indianfoodgasm in front of everybody.
Followed by a nice juicy mango with lime juice and thai chili... and you now can be very ashamed of your public display of food affection ; )

Strawberry Speculoos Cheesecake

Lushious and surprisingly light, this "cheesecake" was divine.
Recipe coming soon, for I did not make this myself, it was a lovely guest appearance in my kitchen.
Ingredients (16 servings):
 2 cups crushed speculoos or gingerbread (pain d'épices) cookies
1/2 cup (120 g) melted butter
1 cup (250 ml ) mascarpone
1/4 cup (60 ml ) plain yogurt
1/4 cup (50 g) sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Garnish : 1 lb fresh strawberries, halved or quartered

Crush the speculoos or gingerbread cookies with the melted butter until obtaining an even mixture.  Place molds on a baking sheet and pack the mixture at the bottom of each mold. Refridgerate until the mixture hardens a bit.
Whip the mascarpone, yogurt, sugar and vanilla. Spread this mixture on top of the cookie layer.
Gently lay the strawberries on top of the mascarpone.
Serve cold and be proud.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Poached Chicken Salad

So proud of myself.  I correctly poached an egg.  Then I put it on my chicken salad.  Then I ate it.  It was wonderful.

To poach an egg correctly, it has to be Xtra fresh.. as in, you caught it as it was coming out and you can feel the warmth from the inside of the hen.
Ok, maybe not THAT fresh, but you got the idea.

Then you bring a (small) pot of water to a boil with salt and white vinegar.

Then you bring down the temperature to a simmer and make a whirlpool.  Don't ask, you'll soon figure out why.  Slowly pour in your egg, white first, followed by the yolk.

Using a large spoon or 2, try to keep the white near the yolk.  This will help your poached egg be visually pleasing when serving.  If you made a whirlpool in the boiling water, this will have happened naturally.

After about 2 minutes max, scoop out the egg and plop it onto your lovely chicken salad made with leftover farmer's market rotisserie chicken and halved cherry tomatoes.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Berber Casbah Vegetable Soup

Blew. My. Mind.
I found this recipe in a Mediterranian "fancy" cookbook.  When I saw glass noodles as an ingredient, I was curious to see what they would be like in a non-asian recipe.  When Eric said he wanted steak and fries, I jumped on the occasion to make this for myself, completely forgetting that THIS IS NOT SOUP WEATHER and sweating balls while I ate it.  Still, very worth it, and healthy too.
Serves approx 3 as a meal
1 large zucchini, julienned
1 large carrot, julienned
1 onion, diced
2 large cloves garlic, minced
handful cherry tomatoes, halved (or 2 chopped tomatoes)
1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
1/2 bunch parsley, chopped
2 Tbsp EVOO
1 tsp turmeric (excellent antioxydant)
2 oz Glass noodles (low carb, high protein) about 1/2 a "nest"
2 cups water (or more)
1 chicken bouillon cube
fresh ground pepper
red pepper flakes
This seems like a lot of ingredients, but I got this done in 35 minutes AND busted out sautéed mushroom steak and home fries at the same time, so it's really not that bad.
1.  In a large saucepan, sweat the onion in the EVOO.
2.  Add the garlic, carrots and zucchini and stir around 5 minutes.
3.  Cut up the thread noodles, add them and stir around.
4.  Add the cube and fill the pan with the water.
5.  Add the parsley and turmeric.  Put on low and simmer for about 15 minutes.
6.  Add the tomatoes, pepper, and cilantro and stir to warm.

Serve in bowls with red pepper flakes as a 1st course or as a meal.
Jump in pool or take cold shower, because it's June and you juste ate soup.

The original recipe calls for julienned potatoes at the beginning and couscous,  butter, and saffron instead of turmeric added at the end, but I was going for the low cost light version.