
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hoisin Chicken & Pepper Skewers

When Marc and I lived with Kellie aka KDub and Jimmy for a couple of months, I really liked how she would take random foods she had in the fridge that were about to go bad and make something delish with it! Now, I have been trying to do the same thing :). Since, I bought some Hoisin sauce for the lettuce wraps, I decided it would also be a good marinade for some chicken and we had a few yellow peppers left. So, in honor of Labor Day yesterday, Marc and I decided to BBQ something. I seriously love when we can make something that both of us put our efforts into, it always makes the end result better tasting. Marc enjoys BBQin', it's his goal to make his food juicy and I must say he's getting it down pretty well! Here is what you'll need:

INGREDIENTS - (makes enough for 2)
2 Skinless Boneless Chicken Breasts
2 tablespoons of Hoisin Sauce
1/2 of Lemon
3 to 5 yellow peppers - seeded and cubed (we had mini peppers, if using large I am sure 1 or 2 will do)
1 Tomato (make sure it's almost ripe, so it's more solid and doesn't fall apart on the skewer)
8 Skewers

1. Cut chicken breasts into little cube cutlets or however you please. In a large mixing bowl combine the chicken and Hoisin Sauce, mix around until majority of the chicken cubes are covered. Squeeze lemon juice into bowl and stir.

2. While the chicken is marinating, soak bamboo skewers in water for one hour so they will not burn on the grill.
3. Preheat the barbecue to a high heat.
4. Cut Yellow Peppers and Tomato into cubes, leave aside until ready to skewer food.

5. Thread chicken onto skewers, and in between two chicken cubes add a cube of bell pepper, then add two more chicken cubes and a cube or two of tomatoes. (You can be creative with your threading.)

6. Drizzle remaining sauce over finished skewers for extra flava!
7. Grill skewers, turning once, over heat for 4 to 6 minutes; or until just browned and cooked through.

The end result was tasty!! For the next run I will def. marinade the meat longer, but an hour still gave the chicken a lot of flavor.

Suggested Sides:
I cut up some Avocado for something fresh and cool, and made a Wild Grain Spanish Rice by Rice-a-Roni. Oh! and some bread is always nice too! :)

1 comment:

  1. YUM ! Your pics look very professional. You make some yummie skewers!
