
Monday, May 24, 2010

D-Day Turkey Cutlets

I grew up eating this, and I think Jess has too. My mother got it from my grandmother, but they never knew what to call it in English. My mother calls it "Turkey with White Sauce" but in France, they are called "Escalopes Normandes" which translates into Normandy Cutlets...and since D-Day is coming up, I dedicate this recipe to the beaches of Normandy! I have to admit that I tweaked the original recipe, but I can't help myself.. and we don't ever have whiskey in the house. This serves 4 or how ever many turkey cutlets you put in.
4 turkey cutlets
a very large handful of chopped mushrooms
less than 1/4 cup dry white wine or whiskey
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
butter or margarine
salt/fresh ground pepper
For the sides:
1 bunch fresh spinach
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp EVOO
Hot pasta
1. In a deep enough sautée pan, melt the butter and brown the turkey cutlets with some salt and fresh ground pepper.
2. At the same time, in another pan, sautée your mushrooms in butter.
3. When the cutlets are golden, add the white wine. My mother uses whiskey, but it is a little more tricky because you have to flambée it. To flambée, pour in the whiskey, and light a match to it. Keep the pan in your hands and move it around until all the alcohol has burned. It is fun. Make sure your hub or kids or friends are watching you because they will think you are the coolest person they know.
4. Add the mushrooms and cream, put on low, and cover while you cook your spinach.
5. In a separate pan (hey, use the one you used for the mushrooms! Less dishes!) lightly brown the garlic in EVOO and then add the spinach. It will reduce by a lot. Stir around so nothing burns, salt/pepper, and turn off the heat.

Serve over hot pasta! Any pasta will do. I have used almost everything.. even rice or fries!

I cheated a little and used wild mushrooms in the picture, so yours might not look like mine, but I make it all the time with regular mushrooms too! I like to use spinach because it's delicious, but substitute any other veggies.. broccoli or even skip the cooked spinach and use raw! Sometimes when I can't find turkey (in Florida, they seem to only eat turkey in sandwiches or on Thanksgiving, but never as, I use thin boneless pork chops or even chicken.. oh my.

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