
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Roasted Kohlrabi

That white veggie on the upper left corner of the photo is not potato, nor is it turnip.
That's kohlrabi.
That's my discovery of the week.  Nutrition-wise and taste-wise.  Raw it's like a cross between cabbage, jicama, and, green apple.  Cooked it's like a sweeter version of long white turnip.
Nutritionally it's like an upper.
I know I don't have much on the plate, but it's because I wanted to have some more tomorrow, and I kept another one to eat raw.. since it's so amazing that way.
Here I've done it in the same way as I did the roasted carrots and served them along side some sunny side up eggs over fresh spinach in orange marmelade dressing.
I love discovering new vegetables!

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