
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Phõ Party

I had a Pho party.
 Pho king good!
Pascale made a  Chocolate Caramel Cake for dessert with Mango Ice cream.
Go check it out.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

O' Breakfast of Champions

Organic Oats, Milk & Honey, slightly warmed, followed by an Intense feeling of satisfaction.

I recently learned that eating warm oatmeal increases the glycemic index.  Being used to maple and bown sugar Quaker Oats growing up, I didn't even know people ate them raw.
Next time I will let them soak in my O milk for a while instead of zapping them in my molecular transformer.  I wonder if my O honey will blend in or coagulate in the cold milk?

Each day is sweeter than the day before...

absolutely no issues with blending the O honey into the cold O milk and raw Oats.  I just had to stir a little longer.  The texture is different but just as enjoyable.
I actually dreamt of this last night, except in my dream I added goji berries instead of O honey.  My goji berries were alive and crawling around in my bowl, but I found all this quite appetizing.  I may have just crossed over to the dark side...

**update #2:
I tried this with dried cranberries in cold milk with cinammon and nutmeg.  I went to work "on stage" the next day and felt completely euphoric while giving my usual technical speach.  Euphoria with healthy food without drugs?
I oualide this.

***update #3:
I found real Canadian made 100% pure maple syrup.  A spoonful of this deliciousness in the oats put a huge childhood smile on my face.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fibonacci Cauliflower

Nature makes things so naughty.  This roman Fractal Cabbage is almost too beautiful to dismantle.
Yet, tonight, it is looking at me with hungry eyes...
Fibonacci product from the Earth, I have not yet decided what to do to you;
Enjoy you raw, so I can appreciate your mathematical perfection tickling my senses,
Steam you for a warm meal to help me fight this cold?  Who would you like to be mixed with to bring out your flavors?
I must decide...

 My decision was to soup you, to let you cater to my needs.  I did break you off a bit to taste you raw at happy hour before making my final judgement call.  Your texture is so intriguing.
Serves 3
3/4 head of Fractal Goodness
1/2 Zucchini, chopped
1 Onion, chopped
1 Tomato, chopped
1 Handful frozen peas
3 Tbsp Organic Oats (I will increase this next time.. I'm rediscovering the wonders of Oatmeal)
3 cloves Garlic, minced
1 Chicken Bouillon Cube (or Vege bouillon to keep it Vegetarian)
some Saffron
Lots of fresh pepper
Some extra special tangy sauce
Some EVOO for sautéeing
2 Cups water
Red Pepper Flakes
Top with a chopped Thai chili and some Parmesan and you have yourself a mindblowing throat healing magically mathematical meal. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Frozen Choco Banana

Bling your fruit. Boom.
Insert stick into base of fruit. Freeze overnight. Dip in melted chocolate. Sprinklize.
Freeze again. Yum.
Credits to Mr. D'Anza.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tiger Wok

I was blown away by this fusion concept of a wok restaurant:
pile on what you want, then choose your pulp, sauce, noodle, and topping.
The picture doesn't do it justice, but here's how mine went:
Pile: Mango, Bells, Salmon, Shrimp, Calamari
Pulp: Ginger
Sauce: Galangal and Hot Chil
Noodle: Rice noodle
Topping: Cilantro

The best part is, when the pictogram near the description of the sauce shows multiple chili peppers, there is actual HEAT behind them!!  Not like all those other Europeanized "ethnic" restaurants around here.  Seriously, who has mango as an ingredient in a wok line?  They must have spied my eating habits before letting me wok in.  Teeheeee.
There are very few people on this side of the lake who could share my enthusiasm for this type of thing...I need to keep those ones close.  Very close.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Patel Talk

Papa:  You absolutely have to taste these mangos from the tree in the yard!  They're organic, home grown smell sweeter than anything in the world, and taste amazing!
Me:  Can you describe the texture?
Papa:  Orgasmic
The abricot didn't fall far from the tree did it...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Balsaamic Basil Quinoa

I popped my Quinoa cherry.  
I was warned by some that it was "too" healthy to be any good, and by others that it would be a pleasant discovery.
I vote for the pleasant side.  It felt naturally smooth and earthy, yet filling and satisfying.  I customized it to suit my instant insane gangsta desires.
Serves 1.5 (wtf?)
1/2 cup quinoa
1 cup water
1 tomato, chopped
1 yellow bell, chopped
1/2 bunch basil
3 large cloves garlic
1slice of turkey, chopped
2 tbsp balsaamic vinegar
some EVOO + more EVOO
fresh ground pepper
a little salt
red pepper flakes
grated parmesan
1.  Rinse quinoa and pour into the 1 cup boiling water.  Lower heat and cook until all the water is absorbed.
2.  While waiting, sautée the bell and tomatoes in some EVOO, then add a drizzle of the something tangy spicy.
3.  While the sautéeing is happening, blend the basil, garlic, basalmic, and some more EVOO together.
4.  When quinoa is done, transfer to the sautée pan and add the blended mixture.  Heat through, then serve topped with ground hot flakes and parmesan.

This was very good.  Interesting texture, and very little leaves you full (hence the 1.5 servings - I was planning on only 1 serving).
Although this is all new to me, it felt so natural to grind the little quinoa seeds in my teeth and feel the beads slip on my tongue.  Quite an experience.  I will definately do this more often.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lettuce Wraps

I got this idea and recipe from Amber and merged with some other recipes.

Butter Lettuce
Ground Turkey
Soy Sauce - 1tbsp
Hoisen Sauce - 1/4 cup
Vinegar - 1 tbsp
1 can water chestnuts
Sesame Oil - 1 tbsp
1 package Ramen Noodles

Brown the ground turkey in oil. Drain, set aside. Cook chopped onion. Add garlic, soy sauce, hoisen sauce, vinegar, chopped water chestnuts, sesame oil. Return Turkey to pan. Finishing cooking meat. Add Ramen Noodles - stirring around to crunch them up. But, don't let them get soggy.

Add mixture to Lettuce.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Anchovy Pesto Shells

I may have already posted something like this.  I cannot think straight today.  My brain is in sensory overload and is unable to process simple input for the moment.  Not sure how long this will last.
1 lb pasta shells, cooked al dente in salted water
1 container marinated anchovies (o my the best things in life...) drained and halved
2 Tbsp leftover Sardine Dip (I needed to finish it)
1 large handful broccoli florets
1 large handful cauliflower florets
2 chopped tomatoes
some EVOO
2 Tbsp heavy cream
1/2 cup reserved pasta water
1 bunch basil
5 cloves peeled garlic
4 handful parmesan
1/4 cup (I admit I didn't measure) EVOO
Blend it
 1.  Heat some EVOO and sautée the broccoli and cauliflower.
2.  Add chopped tomatoes, cover and simmer a bit so the juices start flowing.
3.  Add the secret special spicy sauce and the leftover Sardine Dip.
4.Turn off heat and stir in the anchovies, pesto and cream. 
5.  When pasta is al dente, drain and reserve some of the water before draining.  Pour in the mixture and stir into the pasta, adding some of the pasta water for extra creaminess.

Serve with extra parmesan and red pepper flakes.
That hit the spot.  
Makes me Want to Break Free again and again, forever and ever...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Italian Poached Eggs

This was such a yummy breakfast. Plus, I found these really cool nautical dishes that used to be my late Grandmother's (Stef, the one who used to call you 'little gypsie'). Russ found the recipe on who credits MamaMia (need to place credit where deserved). =)

12 ounces canned tomatoes
6 large eggs
1 medium onion -  sliced
3 Tablespoons olive oil
2 Tablespoons Parmesan cheese
1 Tablespoon dried parsley
1 Tablespoon dried oregano
salt and pepper to taste
Heat olive oil in medium skillet over medium heat. Add onions and saute until tender. Add tomatoes, parsley, oregano, salt and pepper to taste. Cook until slightly thick and most of the liquid has evaporated (about 15 minutes). Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Break each egg - one at a time - in small bowl (so the yolk won't break) and gently transfer to the top of the sauce. Cover and simmer until eggs (including the yolk) are set (about 15 to 20 minutes). **Here's the tip. Stef, you are much more familiar with poaching eggs, but I overcooked. Just because they look a bit raw, they have actually fully cooked. The pic below looks runny, but they were actually too hard and overcooked. Still delicious, nonetheless. But, next time, I won't overcook.

Instant Craving

I think my heart is going to leap out of my chest if I don't obtain Chili Pepper Ice Cream right now!
I think I might die just to feel the cold ice cream on my lips followed by the inner heat of sweet chili... the best of both worlds, heaven and hell.
How can I make this happen and what is wrong with me?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sardine Dip

Ooo I love getting fancy for happy hour.
This is my current favorite:  Sardine or other canned fish dip
Can of sardines, drained and deboned (hehe) or other canned fish
3 pieces carré frais (3 Tbsp cream cheese)
drizzle heavy cream for texture
few drops tapatio or other secret ingredient
Mix together, refridgerate.
Bam, you got dip.  Have fun with your raw veggies and breadsticks.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mini Fruit Tart

Ok, so i told you that i was recently inspired by Stef's Strawberry Cheesecake. And here is the Result:

Ricotta Cheese (most of container)
Greek Yogurt (about 3/4 of 6oz container)
Honey (fa drizzle, mah nizzle)

In separate bowl, mix:


Press our the Cheerio mixture to create a base in a mini muffin tin. Chill for a bit in the Freezer. Take out and add the cheese mixture. Add Fruit. Freeze overnight. Enjoy for breakfast.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Grilled Chicken with Spicy Corn

Grilled Chicken with Spicy Corn

You will need:
EVOO - Jalepeno (shown below... farmed and distriuted in Modesto, CA)
2 Chix Breast
Red Robin Seasoning (Salt,  Garlic, Onion, Celery Salt, Paprika, Cumin, Oregano, Sage)
3/4 cup corn kernels
1/4 cup green chiles, diced
1/4 cup salsa (or diced tomatoes)
1/4 cup cream cheese

1. Grill the Chx with EVOO. Season with Red Robin seasoning (Stef, i will have to ship some to you). Remove after browned on each side
2. Add Corn, Green Chiles, salsa, cream cheese. Stir it up to a boil.
3. Add Chix. Reduce heat. Cover... for 10 mins.

Serve with Spanish Rice. And white wine, of course. =)

Monday, September 3, 2012

What inspires your recipes?

Creativity, a Rumbling Stomach, 7:30 Dinner Family time... whatever it is and whatever your expertise is, a meal is formed. Some follow a recipe, some read directions from the back of a box... and some are simply inspired. To some it is a chore, but to others it is an outlet... something that takes our  mind off the everyday stresses of life. Salt, Pepper and Basil become the Prozac to our mind, body... and stomach.

I loves Stef's Asparagus Gnocchi. Her father, a well-known architect, develops the best recipes off the  cuff... deciding what to make once he becomes inspired at the grocery store. So, I began to think... What inspires your dishes? A recipe? Some delectable ingredients? Fresh produce? Appetizing Poultry?

For me, I wish I was as food-creative as the Patel's. But in the meantime, I am inspired by recipes that I come across online or in foodie mags. I am currently inspired by Stef's Strawberry Cheesecake and have a concoction chilling in the fridge. =)

Tell us....

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Chili Toppings

The best part about American food is the toppings.
A bowl of Chili?  May I please have:
Sour Cream
Red Onion
Greed Onion
pretty please with 
Red Pepper Flakes on top?

Maybe it's not just American food... I like to over the top my Pho and my Daal as well.
Toppings are my Bling.  They make me feel... like a Millionaire.
O, and this Chili was 100% halal.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Birthday Cake Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookie Re-re-REEmiX

For many years, I have been tampering with Cookie recipes to find the optimal taste, texture and size. My favorite cookie is found in Chocolate Chip form; so naturally (and subjectively), I think I have discovered perfection. I am a texture person... I enjoy softness combined with chunkiness and sprinkled with easiness. So, if you are looking for a rock-hard cookie with one chocolate chip inside... then please move along.

I make these quite a bit: Birthdays, Greetings, Potlucks... i will be making them for the First Day of School on Tuesday. So here it goes. So easy, a 4-year-old can make it (seriously, these were made by a 4-year old, hence the invasion of rainbow sprinkles).

You will need:
1 Box Cake Mix
8oz Vanilla Pudding
1/4 cup Butter
1 egg
1 tsp Vanilla
1 bag of choco chip cookies
1 cup Sprinkles

Here's what you do:
Mix Butter and Cream Cheese. Add Egg and Vanilla. Mix.

Stir in cake mix, little by little. Add Choco Chips, Sprinkles. Stir

Bake 10 mins at 375*

Results Achieved:
An Explosion of Deliciousness in your Mouth.

Walke Mac n Cheesey

12 oz Macaroni or Spiral Noodles
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 cup cream
2 cups shredded Cheddar
1 cup Gouda
1/2  cup cream cheese
salt/ pepper
Garlic powder
1 tbls Worcester Sauce

Half  cook Macaroni (5 minutes)
In Separate bowl, whisk egg. Add melted Butter, Cheeses, Worcester sauce. Add Seasonings.
Mix sauce with macaroni
Pour into baking dish or corningware
Sprinkle Bread Crumbs and shredded cheese on top
Bake 350 for 30 mins

Piment Everywhere

Red Bell and Piment d'Espelette Vinegar.

This lovely mademoiselle will be making appearances in my recipes soon.  I haven't tasted it yet, but I'm sure it will pair nicely with just about anything.  The cool thing is that as much as the French are handicapped when it comes to spice and everything nice, the town of Espelette put an AOP (name branding) on their chilis.  So this is actually French!
It was a gift from my in-laws passing through Lyon on their way home from vacation.  They are really starting to know what makes me tick.  I literally jumped up and down when they handed me this.